“Forever In Our Hearts”

U-CD Edgewood’s LySandra UD, C-CDX, HIT, ATT
~ 1-19-1990 – 10-04-2004 ~
She was the breath I took into my lungs, the blood that ran through my veins. She was so much a part of me that we were very rarely separated throughout her lifetime. She slept by my side, was seat-belted in the car when we drove, or walking by my side while out and about. In her last years she served as a therapy dog while I worked for a Psychiatrist. Most patients wouldn’t book their follow up appointments unless they knew McNugget would be there to calm their fears, or lick away their tears.
There is hardly a day that passes that I don’t still recall US! We were a team, we were bonded and it hurts so that you are gone. There are many more Yorkies here at Toybox now and some come close to where you and I were but none will ever touch me as you have.
You accomplished so much in your lifetime. You hated heeling in Obedience but I know you did it for me. You would try so hard to please me and my precious little girl you never disappointed me. You not only achieved a High In Trial at the Yorkshire Terrier Specialty in New York City but you managed to complete your Utility Title as well.
We took many trips to Canada where you finished your Companion Dog
Title in one weekend and your Companion Dog Excellent title as well. We tried for that OTCH in Canada but it eluded us, even though you did place 5th Highest Scoring Yorkshire Terrier in Canada in 1995. Who could blame you for getting mixed up with the long stand in Canada. I knew why you were confused but I couldn’t figure out how to make you understand.
All that is behind us now and you are there at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for that day to be reunited with me. My time here is not over, I have much to do my little friend but one day we will again be together. You are there with Penny, Jewel, Pepper, Phoebe, Muffin, Amber, Summer, Shadow, Demi, and of course Grandpa Frank.
Take care my sweet girl and watch for me, one day I will be walking up those stairs and crossing that Bridge to be reunited with you and all my family.
I still have your favorite little pig toy. I will make sure it is in my pocket when I come to you…